Sunday, June 14, 2015

Universal Studio Singapore 2015

First trip to Universal Studios Singapore in Year 2015. And to your unexpected is with my two siblings. And finally I made my little brother take all of the rides in USS, including the new reopen CYLON and HUMAN. 

WOOOHOoooo! Roller Coaster is like my adrenaline. Without them I thought I'm dying. But what is like without that "rush" right? I have so many things I want to do and my bucket list seems to be getting longer every year. 

First bucket list, go with the more realistic one of course. Is to take plane to Hong Kong and take HELICOPTER! Yes!! Is helicopter, and I am not kidding about it. HAHA! 

When I'm free I will create a post on my bucket list. For now it will be all for today. I'm really tired.